Can Dogs Eat Kiwi? A Comprehensive Guide to Feeding Your Furry Friend


Attention all dog lovers! Have you ever caught your furry friend giving you those puppy-dog eyes while you’re snacking on some fresh kiwi?

As a responsible pet owner, it’s important to be aware of what human foods are safe for your pup to eat. But the question remains: can dogs eat kiwi? While some human foods are a big no-no for dogs, others may surprise you with their nutritional benefits.

In this blog post, I’ll explore the ins and outs of feeding your dog kiwi, including the potential risks and benefits. So before you give in to those big brown eyes, let’s find out if kiwi is a safe and healthy treat for your furry companion!

Are Kiwis Safe for Dogs? (quick answer)

Yes, kiwi is considered to be safe for dogs. It is a nutrient-dense fruit which means it has many vitamins and minerals that are great for your dog. Kiwis are perfectly safe for dogs and even the skin is edible, although you should always remove the seeds as they can be a choking hazard. It is a good fruity treat for dogs and it is a great source of dietary fiber, vitamins C, K, E, potassium, and folate.

What is Kiwi?

An image of a ripe kiwi, sliced in half to reveal its vibrant green flesh and black seeds. The fuzzy brown exterior of the fruit contrasts with the soft, juicy texture of the interior. The kiwi is placed on a white surface, surrounded by other colorful fruits such as strawberries and blueberries, making for a visually stunning composition

Kiwi is a type of fruit that is native to China. It is also known as Chinese gooseberry or kiwifruit. It has a small, brown, fuzzy outer skin and edible, green flesh inside.

The flesh is slightly sweet and tart and contains small edible seeds. Kiwi is packed with nutrients and vitamins including Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin E, potassium, folate, dietary fiber, and antioxidants.

It is a great source of nutrition for both humans and dogs and can be safely consumed in moderation by our canine companions.

Nutritional Value

nutritional value of 100 grams kiwi
nutritional value of 100 grams of kiwi

Kiwi Benefits for Dogs

  • It is loaded with vitamin C, potassium, fiber, and antioxidants, it can help support overall health,
  • Vitamin C helps boost the immune system, potassium helps maintain healthy cells, fiber helps promote digestion and regularity, and antioxidants can help fight off free radicals,

When selecting a kiwi for your pup, you can choose from green, yellow, or berry varieties. Whichever you decide on, make sure to remove the skin and seeds before feeding it to your dog.

Kiwi Fruit Varieties for Dogs

  • Green: It is the most common variety of kiwis
  • Golden: It is a fuzzy brown-skinned variety,
  • Yellow
  • Red

In addition to the classic green kiwifruit, there is also the baby kiwi, which is smaller in size and sweeter in taste. All of these varieties are safe for dogs to eat in moderation after the skin and seeds have been removed.

How to Prepare Kiwi for Dogs

Preparing kiwi for your pup is simple.

Firstly, you’ll need to remove the skin and seeds, as these can be difficult for your pup to digest.

Once that’s done, you can cut it into small pieces or thin slices to make it easier for your dog to eat.

If you’re feeling creative, you can also puree it and mix it with other fruits, or even blend it into a smoothie.

Just make sure that the total amount of this green fruit doesn’t exceed 10 percent of your pup’s daily caloric intake.

You should also consider introducing this green fruit slowly to avoid potential stomach problems and allergic reactions.

Now that you know how to prepare this green fruit for your pup, they can enjoy a sweet and tangy tropical snack!

Kiwi Risks for Dogs

Although kiwi is generally considered safe for dogs, there are some risks associated with giving it to your pup.

While the skin and seeds of the kiwi can be harmless if consumed in small quantities, they can be a choking hazard or cause an upset stomach if eaten in large amounts.

It’s also important to note that this green fruit contains oxalic acid, which can be potentially toxic if ingested in high doses. Therefore, it’s best to give your dog only a small amount of this green fruit as an occasional treat and avoid feeding them the skin and seeds. Additionally, it’s important to monitor your dog’s reaction when introducing new foods, as some dogs may have an allergic reaction to this green fruit.

How Much Kiwi Can a Dog Have?

When it comes to how much kiwi a dog can have, it’s important to remember that moderation is key.

A few bites or thin slices of this green fruit once or twice a week should be enough to benefit your pup without causing any digestive issues.

For smaller dogs, you should give half of this green fruit or even less.

Kiwi Alternatives for Dogs

All these options are packed with vitamins and minerals that will support your pup’s health. Plus, many of these are tasty treats for doggies too!

Is Kiwi Yogurt Good For Dogs?

Yes, kiwi yogurt can be a great source of vitamins and minerals for your pup. It is especially beneficial for digestive health, as the probiotics in yogurt can help with stomach issues.

Can Dogs Eat Dried Kiwi?

No, it is not recommended that dogs eat dried kiwi due to its high sugar content. It is best to avoid feeding your pet dried pieces.

Can Dogs Eat Frozen Kiwi?

Yes, dogs can eat frozen kiwi, as long as the skin and seeds are removed before feeding. It is important to be aware of potential blockages or upset stomachs from consuming too much frozen this green fruit.

Can Dogs Eat Kiwi Seeds?

Small amounts will not cause any harm but they should not consume seeds in large quantities, due to the presence of a potentially toxic compound.

Can Dogs Eat Kiwi Skin?

Although the skin is safe to eat, it is best to remove it before feeding kiwi to your dog. This will help to reduce the risk of blockages or upset stomachs.

Can Dogs Eat Kiwi Peel?

Yes, dogs can eat kiwi peel, as long as it is in bite-sized pieces or thin slices and the skin and seeds have been removed first. The skin of this green fruit may provide some beneficial nutrients for your dog.


It is safe for dogs to eat kiwi fruit. It is a great source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber, and can be a great addition to your dog’s diet as a rare treat.

However, it’s important to remember that the skin and seeds should be removed prior to feeding your pup this green fruit and that it should not be used as a substitute for more nutritious foods.

If you’re looking for a healthy snack to give your dog, this green fruit can be a great option.

Additional Resources

As a pet owner, it’s important to always stay informed about what foods are safe and healthy for your dog. If you’re looking for more information on the safety of kiwi for dogs, there are plenty of resources available.

The ASPCA website offers detailed information on fruits and vegetables that are safe for dogs to eat.

Additionally, the American Kennel Club also has a helpful article on kiwi and other fruits safe for dogs. If you have any specific questions, it’s always best to consult your veterinarian.

By doing your research and staying up to date on the latest research, you can feel confident that your pup is getting the nutrition he needs without risking his health.


  • Me with my Jasper

    Hello there, I'm Deepmala Khatik! I'm a proud dog lover and a dedicated pet nutritionist, with a passion for providing the best possible nutrition for our furry friends. My own furry friend, Jasper, is a beautiful German Shepherd dog is a constant source of inspiration for me. Through my blog, I hope to share my knowledge and experience with other pet owners, and help them provide the best possible nutrition for their furry friends. In addition to my work in pet nutrition, I enjoy traveling and exploring new places with my family. I'm also a foodie at heart, and I love experimenting with new recipes, both for my family and for my furry friends. My goal is to provide valuable, science-backed information on pet nutrition through my blog. I believe that every pet owner should have access to the information they need to provide their dogs with the best possible nutrition. I'm dedicated to continuing to learn and update my knowledge to ensure that I'm providing the most up-to-date information for my readers.

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