Are you a dog owner looking for ways to keep your pup safe and healthy? You’re not alone! While dogs are incredibly resilient, there are certain foods that can be toxic or even deadly when ingested. To help you keep your pup safe, we’ve put together a list of 6 foods that should never find their way into Fido’s bowl.
It is important for pet owners to be aware of foods that are potentially toxic to their pets. Many of the foods that humans enjoy can be dangerous for our furry friends. Onions, garlic, chives, macadamia nuts, and fruits with pits are all examples that can cause harm to our beloved dogs. Raw eggs, chocolate, caffeine, alcohol, and xylitol can also have harmful effects if ingested. Additionally, certain types of fish such as salmon, trout, shad, or sturgeon may contain toxins that can make pets ill. Avocados and rhubarb (mainly leaves) are other potentially dangerous items for our canine companions. In order to keep pets safe and healthy, it is important to research the ingredients in any food before feeding it to them.
1. Onions, Garlic, and Chives

Onions, garlic, and chives are all toxic to dogs and should never be consumed. Anything in the onion family–from garlic to shallots to scallions to chives–contains compounds that can be harmful to your dog’s health. Whether raw or cooked, fried or powdered, these plants are all dangerous for your pup.
2. Raw Eggs

Raw eggs can also be dangerous for dogs as it contains avidin, an enzyme that prevents absorption of biotin in the body. This can lead to biotin deficiency, which is why it is not recommended to feed raw eggs to dogs. Raw or undercooked eggs can also contain dangerous bacteria such as salmonella, which can lead to food poisoning. In addition, raw meat and fish can also contain bacteria that causes food poisoning and certain types of fish such as salmon, trout, shad, or sturgeon can have parasites that may harm your dog. While raw eggs are packed with micro and macronutrients, including 6 grams of protein, it is important to note that a raw diet could be dangerous for your pet if not done properly.
3. Chocolate and Caffeine

Chocolate and caffeine are two stimulants found in many foods that can be dangerous for dogs. Chocolate contains the stimulant chemicals theobromine and caffeine, both of which are very difficult for dogs to metabolize. If a dog consumes chocolate, theobromine can cause vomiting, diarrhea, increased heart rate, seizures, and even death. Caffeine can also cause rapid heart rate, tremors, seizures, and death in dogs when consumed in high doses. It is important to keep all chocolate products and caffeinated drinks out of reach for dogs as these substances can be toxic.
4. Fruits with Pits

Fruits with pits, such as cherries, apricots, and plums, are toxic to dogs. The pits of these fruits contain cyanide, which can cause vomiting and irregular heartbeat if ingested by a dog. It is important to remove the pits before offering a piece of fruit to your dog, and refrain from feeding any type of seed to them. Pears are an exception to this rule as they are safe for dogs to eat in their entirety, but it is still important to remove the pit before giving them a slice.
5. Macadamia Nuts

Macadamia nuts are another food that should never be given to dogs. They contain a toxin that can cause weakness, vomiting, tremors, and hyperthermia in dogs. Ingestion of macadamia nuts can also be fatal if not treated promptly. While the specific cause of macadamia nut toxicity in canines is unknown, these rich nuts have been reported to cause serious reactions in dogs. It’s important to remember that even small amounts of macadamia nuts can be toxic for dogs, and products like trail-mix with raisins, chocolate and macadamia nuts should be avoided.
6. Alcohol and Xylitol

Alcohol and xylitol are two common toxins that can be found in a variety of food products. Alcohol, found in drinks, syrups, and raw bread dough, can be poisonous to dogs if ingested in large quantities. Similarly, xylitol is a sweetener found in candy, gum, toothpaste, baked goods, and some diet foods. If a dog consumes food with xylitol in it, their blood sugar can drop drastically, leading to health problems and even liver failure. It is important for pet owners to be aware of these potential toxins and take steps to ensure their pet’s safety.
7. Raw Meat and Fish

Raw meat and fish can contain bacteria that can lead to food poisoning in dogs. As with raw eggs, it is important to cook both meat and fish thoroughly before feeding them to your dog. While some types of fish, such as salmon, trout, shad, or sturgeon, can provide dogs with essential nutrients, they can also contain dangerous parasites that could make your pet sick. It is important to speak to a veterinarian before feeding these types of fish to your dog.
8. Certain Types of Fish
While certain types of fish, such as whitefish, salmon, and sardines, can be a safe addition to a balanced diet for dogs, there are still potential risks associated with feeding fish to dogs. Toxic levels vary from dog to dog, however one study reviewing 169 reports found that some dogs died after eating just a handful of certain fish.
9. Avocados

Avocados contain a toxin called persin, which is perfectly safe for human consumption but can be very poisonous to dogs. Avocados can also be dangerous as they contain persin, which can cause vomiting and diarrhea in dogs. It’s best to keep these fruits away from your furry friend.
10. Grapes and Raisins

Grapes and raisins are high on the list of foods toxic to dogs, even in very small amounts. These fruits can lead to kidney failure, which can be fatal. It’s important to keep in mind that while some dogs are not affected by grapes and raisins, they have been linked to serious health issues in others. As such, it’s best to avoid giving your dog these fruits as a snack.
It is important to keep in mind that certain everyday foods can be toxic to dogs. Onions, garlic, chives, macadamia nuts, raw eggs, chocolate and caffeine, fruits with pits, alcohol and xylitol, raw meat and fish, certain types of fish, and avocados are all foods that can be dangerous for canines. It is best to keep these items away from your pet and always consult your veterinarian if you suspect your dog has ingested any of these items.